Sennelier Dry Pigment in Plastic Jar
From10,48 €uni.
At the end of the 19th century, when Gustave Sennelier started developing oil colors for his artist customers who would eventually include Cézanne, Gauguin, and Picasso, he recognized the need for producing paints that only contained the highest-quality pigments. In order to craft superior colors, he verified that the origins of the pigments were from selected traditional sources, at the same time precisely identifying their chemical characteristics. His great respect for these materials not only ensured the permanence of works created with his paints, but also assured the production of an increasing array of unique colors of unsurpassed beauty and quality. Since that time, some pigments have disappeared because their natural resources have been depleted, and others have been restricted due to their toxicity. However, the company's recent research and innovations have resulted in a wide variety of synthetic pigments that perfectly match the performance of ancient mineral pigments such as Lapis Lazuli and Cinnabar. Sennelier still mines the Earth for minerals and other natural elements from traditional sources - pigments like clays and iron oxides used in ochres and the preparation of burnt earth colors from calcified soil. Sennelier keeps a watchful eye on the pigments selected for its lines of extra-fine oils, oil sticks, watercolors, soft pastels, and oil pastels. These very same pure pigments are now available to artists wishing to master the preparation of their own colors. This range of 94 colours is presented in 200ml plastic jars. For density reasons, certain colours are packaged in 100ml jars.
At the end of the 19th century, when Gustave Sennelier started developing oil colors for his artist customers who would eventually include Cézanne, Gauguin, and Picasso, he recognized the need for producing paints that only contained the highest-quality pigments. In order to craft superior colors, he verified that the origins of the pigments were from selected traditional sources, at the same time precisely identifying their chemical characteristics. His great respect for these materials not only ensured the permanence of works created with his paints, but also assured the production of an increasing array of unique colors of unsurpassed beauty and quality. Since that time, some pigments have disappeared because their natural resources have been depleted, and others have been restricted due to their toxicity. However, the company's recent research and innovations have resulted in a wide variety of synthetic pigments that perfectly match the performance of ancient mineral pigments such as Lapis Lazuli and Cinnabar. Sennelier still mines the Earth for minerals and other natural elements from traditional sources - pigments like clays and iron oxides used in ochres and the preparation of burnt earth colors from calcified soil. Sennelier keeps a watchful eye on the pigments selected for its lines of extra-fine oils, oil sticks, watercolors, soft pastels, and oil pastels. These very same pure pigments are now available to artists wishing to master the preparation of their own colors. This range of 94 colours is presented in 200ml plastic jars. For density reasons, certain colours are packaged in 100ml jars.
88 Colors
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White Zinc (119)
16,19 €See more +
White Lithopone (128)
16,19 €See more +
Iridescent (20)
22,84 €See more +
White Titanium (116)
16,19 €See more +
Fosforescencia (10)
16,19 €See more +
Yellow from Napoles Substitute (567)
16,19 €See more +
Bright Yellow (511)
16,19 €See more +
Yellow Cadmium Lemon Substitute (545)
16,19 €See more +
Yellow Lemon (501)
16,19 €See more +
Yellow Fluo (502)
33,75 €See more +
Yellow Indian Substitute (517)
16,19 €See more +
Yellow Cadmium Dark Legitimate (533)
33,75 €See more +
Yellow Cadmium Light Substitute (539)
16,19 €See more +
Primary Yellow (574)
16,19 €See more +
Yellow Light Cadmium Lawful (529)
33,75 €See more +
Amarelo Cádmio Escuro Substituto (543)
16,19 €See more +
Yellow Cadmium Medium Legitimate (531)
33,75 €See more +
Yellow Cadmium Medium Substitute (541)
16,19 €See more +
Aureoline (559)
57,08 €See more +
Ochre Light Yellow (254)
22,84 €See more +
Yellow Cadmium Orange (537)
33,75 €See more +
Yellow Cadmium Substitute Orange (547)
22,84 €See more +
Red Cadmium Orange Substitute (615)
22,84 €See more +
Orange Fluo (648)
33,75 €See more +
Pyrrole Orange (641)
33,75 €See more +
Ocher Yellow (252)
10,48 €See more +
Yellow Mars (505)
16,19 €See more +
Chinese Vermilion Substitute (677)
16,19 €See more +
Red Cadmium Purple Substitute (617)
16,19 €See more +
Primary Red (686)
22,84 €See more +
Pink Fluo (654)
33,75 €See more +
Rose Madder Lake (690)
33,75 €See more +
Red Fluorescent (604)
33,75 €See more +
Red Cadmium Legitimate Orange (609)
33,75 €See more +
Scarlet Lake Alizarin (694)
22,84 €See more +
Vermilion French Substitute (675)
16,19 €See more +
Red Ochre (259)
10,48 €See more +
Red Cadmium Purple Legitimate (611)
33,75 €See more +
Alizarin Red Lake (696)
33,75 €See more +
Quinacridone Red (679)
33,75 €See more +
Red Cadmium Light Substitute (613)
16,19 €See more +
Helios Red (619)
16,19 €See more +
Red Cadmium Light Legitimate (605)
33,75 €See more +
Red Cadmium Dark Legitimate (606)
33,75 €See more +
Venetian Red (623)
16,19 €See more +
Cobalt Violet Deep (909)
57,08 €See more +
Mineral Violet (915)
16,19 €See more +
Permanent Magenta (680)
33,75 €See more +
Azure Blue (320)
16,19 €See more +
Primary Blue (385)
16,19 €See more +
Ultramarine Violet (916)
16,19 €See more +
Light Turquoise (339)
33,75 €See more +
Light Cobalt Green (833)
82,72 €See more +
Cobalt Blue (307)
64,24 €See more +
Light Blue Ultramarine (312)
16,19 €See more +
Blue Cerulean Substitute (323)
10,48 €See more +
Turquoise Blue Cobalt (341)
64,24 €See more +
Blue Ultramarine Dark (315)
16,19 €See more +
Blue Indigo (308)
64,24 €See more +
Prussian Blue (318)
16,19 €See more +
Phthalocyanine Blue (387)
33,75 €See more +
French Ultramarine Blue (314)
16,19 €See more +
Green Veronese (847)
16,19 €See more +
Green Emerald Substitute (869)
22,84 €See more +
Light English Green (805)
22,84 €See more +
Chromium Oxide Green (815)
22,84 €See more +
Dark Green Cobalt (835)
82,72 €See more +
English Green Deep (807)
22,84 €See more +
Phthalocyanine Green (896)
33,75 €See more +
Green Earth (213)
10,48 €See more +
Raw Sienna Earth (208)
10,48 €See more +
Brown Madder (471)
22,84 €See more +
Brown Ochre (255)
10,48 €See more +
Brown Red (405)
16,19 €See more +
Red Mars (631)
33,75 €See more +
Raw Burnt Sienna (211)
10,48 €See more +
Raw Burnt Shadow Earth (202)
10,48 €See more +
Caput Mortuum (919)
16,19 €See more +
Raw Shadow Earth (205)
10,48 €See more +
Brown Van Dyck (407)
22,84 €See more +
Golden Ochre (257)
33,75 €See more +
Yellow Gold (30)
33,75 €See more +
Red Gold (40)
33,75 €See more +
Copper (36)
33,75 €See more +
Lake Black (763)
33,75 €See more +
Ivory Black
10,48 €See more +
Black Mars (759)
16,19 €See more +
Black Fresh (761)
10,48 €See more +